ProfessorSang-kyu Kim
김상규Sang-kyu Kim has a distinguished background in industrial design, initially working as a furniture designer at Fursys and later as a curator at the Design Museum at the Seoul Arts Center. He held a key role in the Korea Design Culture Foundation, serving as Director of Policy Research and Secretary General from its inception until its dissolution. He is currently a professor in the Department of Industrial Design at Seoul National University of Science and Technology. Sang-kyu received his Ph.D. in 'Design Archive Research' and has done extensive research on design museums and archives. His recent interests focus on object studies, including ecological transition design, speculative design, and the design dynamics of the 20th century socialist system. He is the author of Irretrievable: Design Exhibitions in South Korea since 1999 (ko), Design and Morality (ko), and Rediscovering the Chair (ko). Additionally, he translated Fleur Watson’s The New Curator: Exhibiting Architecture and Design, Nigel Whiteley’s Design for Society, and Mary Anne Staniszewski’s The Power of Display into Korean.
대학과 대학원에서 산업 디자인을 전공하고 퍼시스에서 의자 디자이너로, 예술의전당 디자인미술관에서 큐레이터로 일했으며 한국디자인문화재단 설립부터 폐지까지 정책연구팀장과 사무국장을 겸직했고 현재 서울과학기술대학교 디자인학과 교수로 있다. 「디자인 아카이브 연구」로 박사 학위를 받았고 디자인뮤지엄과 디자인아카이브 관련 연구를 지속해 왔으나 현재는 생태 전환 디자인과 사변적 디자인을 아우르는 사물 연구, 20세기 사회주의 체제의 디자인에 더 관심을 두고 있다. 한국의 디자인 전시에 대한 애정과 절망을 담아 『관내분실: 1999년 이후의 디자인전시』를 썼고 그 밖에도 『디자인과 도덕』 『의자의 재발견』 등을 쓰고 『뉴큐레이터: 건축과 디자인을 전시하기』 『사회를 위한 디자인』 『파워 오브 디스플레이』 등을 옮겼다.
Research ProfessorJeong Hye Kim
김정혜Dr Jeong Hye Kim received her PhD in Architectural and Urban History and Theory from UCL (2018). Her subjects of research interest are socio-political relationship with urban environment, post-traumatic spaces and ecological equilibrium. Publications include Waste and Urban Regeneration (London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2021) and translations e.g. Hal Foster’s The Art-Architecture Complex (Verso, 2011/2014), Charles Jencks and Nathan Silver’s Adhocism (MIT Press, 2013/2016) and Richard Sennett and Pablo Sendra’s Designing Disorder (Verso, 2020/2023). Current research subjects are ‘Vibrant Materialism and Sustainable Design’ and ‘South Korean Design after Globalization: Focusing on Ecological Discourses.’ Kim is research professor at Seoul National University of Science and Technology.
Enrolled Students
Ph.D. CandidateJae Gong Choi
Ph.D. CandidateJuhyun Kang
Master CandidateA Bin Ahn
Master CandidateHee Young Cho
Master CandidateSu Hyeon Kim
Master CandidateYoora Park
Master in DesignSung Won Park
박성원Degree Obtained: 2024Thesis: Reconstruction of Speculative Design Methodology through New Materialism and Ecological Spirituality
신유물론과 생태 영성을 통한 스페큘러티브 디자인 방법론의 재구성
Master in DesignSeo Young Lee
이서영Degree Obtained: 2023Thesis: Design Study in the New Space Age - Focusing on Conceptual Analysis
뉴 스페이스 시대의 디자인 연구 : -개념적 분석을 중심으로
Ph.D. in DesignPan Xi Fan
판시판Degree Obtained: 2022Thesis: Recontextualization of British Ceramic Tea Set Design: 1700-1850
영국 도자 다기 디자인의 재맥락화 연구 : 1700~1850년을 중심으로
Master in DesignJi-min Park
박지민Degree Obtained: 2022Thesis: A Study of Small Furniture Design Studios - focused on the influence of maker movement
국내 소규모 가구 스튜디오 연구 - 메이커 무브먼트와의 연계성을 중심으로
Master in DesignJung Ah Hong
홍정아Degree Obtained: 2022
Thesis: A study on the Direction of Exhibition Contents Dealing with Design history –Focused on Bauhaus-
디자인사를 다루는 전시콘텐츠 방향에 관한 연구 : -바우하우스 전시를 중심으로-
Master in DesignJingye Liu
류징업Degree Obtained: 2021Thesis: An Alternative Approach to Multicultural Public Spaces through a Game Design
다문화 공공 공간에 게임 디자인을 적용한 대안적 접근방법 탐색
Master in DesignBo Ram Han
한보람Degree Obtained: 2017
Thesis: A Study on the Stationery Design through Analyzing the Socio-economic Factors
사회경제적 요인 분석을 통한 문구 디자인 방향 연구
Master in DesignHoe-Eun Hwang
황회은Degree Obtained: 2017
Thesis: Developing the DIY Furniture Joint Components by Utilizing 3D Printing Prototype
DIY 가구 제작을 위한 3D 프린팅 조인트 프로토타입 연구
Master in DesignJiwon Lee
Degree Obtained: 2017
Thesis: Oral Historical Research for Collecting Materials of the Korean Design Research
디자인사 자료 수집을 위한 구술 연구의 방향 모색